Parenting Across Cultures in Contemporary England
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The growing cultural diversity in England has been noted by many commentators.
This diversity is especially noticed in urban centres.
The 2021 Census found that the most ethnically diverse region in England was London.  
46.2% of London's residents identified with Asian, black, mixed, or other ethnic groups, and a further 17% with white ethnic minorities.
With over 300 languages spoken in Greater London, it has become one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world . 
This cultural diversity contributes to England's richness, dynamism, and prosperity.
Understanding this rich cultural diversity is of special importance to professionals working with parents.
A better understanding of parents’ perceptions, values and practices related to their parenting will increase professionals’ ability to adopt a more culturally competent approach.
That is the purpose of our research project. 
We invite parents from several groups living in England to participate in an interview and/or by completing an online questionnaire.
In both, we ask parents for their views on parenting.
Completing the questionnaire takes about 20 minutes and participation in the interview takes about an hour.
This study has received ethics approval from Brunel University London.
Further details about this research as well as a link to the questionnaires to the different groups included can be found on our project page. Our web-page address is listed above.
If you are a parent from one of the groups included, please consider participating.
Pleas share this invitation with relevant parents.
Thank you