A traditional East Coast suburban family with three children, one of which is a teenager, and their two Golden Retrievers are AAT working dogs for the local hospital.
James, the youngest child, is ready and walks down the stairs, asking if his breakfast is ready.
Mom yells, “Everybody's breakfast is on the table.
Eat fast, or take it with you! We are running late.”
“The dogs can't be late for their meeting this morning."
”DaVinci is with the kittens, and they won't stop playing.”
Mom yells to Stella, the other dog...
"Stella? Grab everbody and get them to the car!"
DaVinci comes running to the car with his leash.
A car pulls off with the family and dogs.
The car pulls up to the hospital with nurses coming to greet them.
Davinci? Ready to work?
HospitalsNursing HomesPolice StationsRehabilitation FacilitiesSenior Citizen Centers
HospitalsNursing HomesPolice StationsRehabilitation FacilitiesSenior Citizen Centers
HospitalsNursing HomesPolice StationsRehabilitation FacilitiesSenior Citizen Centers
HospitalsNursing HomesPolice StationsRehabilitation FacilitiesSenior Citizen Centers
HospitalsNursing HomesPolice StationsRehabilitation Facilities Senior Citizen Centers
'Stella' & 'DaVinci'Canine Concierge Corporation
Public Service Announcement571-375-5932canineconciergecorp.org