Employees are the backbone of any organization, and the state of their health is essential to the organization's sustained growth and longevity.
EAPs are not just a sound financial investment in workers' health but also a strategic move for increasing and maintaining organizational profit.
Harvard University says that for every $1 an organization invests in employee wellness, it gets a $3 return on investment; this underscores the human and financial benefits of such programs.
While EAPs are beneficial resources for workers, most aren't as successful as they could be because EAP Providers continue to rely on 20th-century ideology as the basis for services. As a result, these obsolete philosophies limit the effectiveness of many EAPs.
Many contemporary researchers agree that patient-centric care models are the gold standard in healthcare management;this extends to chronic care management programs and EAPs. This shift in focus to holistic care benefits the worker, which in turn benefits the communities in which they live and the organizations that employ them.
Patient-centric care models address all potential conditions and problems an individual has or may face rather than focusing on a singular condition or illness. W4TWP has expanded this concept and constructed a four-sided model of care management that includes physical, mental, environmental, and occupational health, all of which are pivotal to the worker's well-being.
W4TWP does not seek to replace EAPs; we make EAPs better through service enhancements. Our trademarked HEALS Wellness Strategies enhance EAPs so that participants gain improved service and care.
We accomplish this with:
1. A Comprehensive Health Risk Assessment (CHRA)- This can be used to help identify conditions, illnesses, and medications that may exacerbate depression, anxiety, and stress, which have been shown to contribute to substance abuse or cause workplace injuries, decrease productivity, and increase absenteeism.
2. Health Education- The aim is to equip participants with the skills needed to promote healthcare strategies for improved health outcomes and bridge the gap between evidence-based practices and patient actions or inactions.
3. Health literacy- The aim is to enhance individual understanding of both physical and mental health. When coupled with health education, it equips people with the knowledge and skills to significantly improve positive health outcomes, helping them recognize and seek appropriate care when needed.
Some of our EAP Enhancement Features:
WebMD On-line Health Education/ Literacy Platform includesWritten materials in English and Spanish and anInteractive video library of physical and behavioral health topics
American Institute of Stress (AIS)Health Education and Health Literacy Platform includesOnline assessments (such as workplace depression, anxiety, and stress rating tools) andOnline classes, magazines, podcasts, and webinars
Physical Activity, Exercise & Nutrition Platform includesOnline exercise videos,Nutritional information, andDiscounted nutritional supplements
Preventative Health Maintenance Kit (can include):Blood Pressure Monitor,ECG Monitor,Thermometer,Electronic Scale, Electronic Medication Dispenser, Fitness Tracker andAlpha-Stim (aids in reducing pain, depression, anxiety, stress, and/or insomnia)
Healthy Employees = Healthy Profits!